Ugly Schmucks

Am I ugly and hideous because my mum called me that growing up

I would like to ask all of you what you all think if I’m ugly and hideous? all good and bad comments are excepted


Hell no and if that was I’m interested in a person inner beauty 6466737673 cel


I see a lot of pain in your eyes and hurt. If you smile more it improves you looks a thousand fold. Ive started trying to let go of all my hurt. I know its hard and this world sucks and its filled with shitty people. But those people only define you if you let them.They say and do hurtful things and alot of times its so called family. But we can choose our family its not always blood. You could get yourself some makeup a nice pair of clothes and that would totally change your appearance but it begins inside. You are NOT ugly. Not at all. The ones that caused you to feel that way are the truly ugly ones. Please smile lifes not all that bad and there are good people in the world still. I hope this helps and you have a good day.


What if I told you that with a little bit of makeup and your hair done up the right way just like all the other women you are no different there are many men out here that would love you and adore you respect you and tell you how beautiful you are everyday. I don’t care what your mom told you. You need to start waking up every morning looking at yourself in the mirror and noticing the beautiful parts about yourself… because I can guarantee you 100%, you’re beautiful… what you have is a mother or a father that injected bad programming into your subconscious every single moment of every day… and that’s a shame because you’re really beautiful


You aren’t ugly honest you really turn me on :wink: I would love to chat

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Absolutely not, smile


No, I think you’re hot. would you like to have dinner with me?

Hello handsome I like what I see in you tell me more about yourself Shaza

HI! What a surprise. Thanks for the number, very kind of you. Personally, I think this site if full of ancient profiles that just say there for months and months.

I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to me.

I think you have a beautiful face.



GA I appreciate your kind I will like you to email me direct hopefully we can message each other better

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You are beautiful. You don’t need to talk to ugly schmucks. :slightly_smiling_face:


No. That is shameful that your own mother would say that to you! You will find someone one day. It will be tough, but there is plenty of fish in the sea.


You are not ugly, sadly humanity created this word. No one is ugly❤️

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You are far from ugly my dear. How could you be ugly? There is no possible way. I joined this site to enlighten people and make them feel better. They join to encourage and boost morality. Sometimes I think, I wasted my time because I am not here for a sexual desire, or any kind of intimate contact, I simply joined so I could help people realize how beautiful they are inside and out. For some reason, that doesn’t seem to work anymore, as others are out to take advantage, and just seek sex. But please listen to me my friend , you are far from ugly. You are beautiful inside and out the next time you post a picture, please smile and you’ll see how beautiful you look. Thank you for the reading and listening all the best, .

  • Father B.

Yes, I am a priest, I left the order, but I retained my credentials, because I was never defrocked. But I’m still a certified Vatican official in New England, but my vows have been released.

Bingo CS! You want to send me vile messages still!

Lass, please go away from this site. There is nothing here to make your feel better. You are beautiful. Please believe me. I speak the truth about you. But some of the people here will just bring you down, if you need help or counseling, please contact me directly at my email. Don’t fall for this garbage here. Do you have a good soul, let’s keep it that way please

You’re mother mother must have been very blind and mean person nothing ugly about you