Ugly Schmucks

Anybody else here have facial injuries?

I was injured in a bad accident when i was 27 years old and had to have facial reconstructive surgery. I guess i look normal for the most part but my jaws stick out a whole lot because i broke my jaw in three spots, eye sockets, cracked my skull. Yeah tequilla and a kids razor scooter dont mix lol. Im really thankful to be alive but ive been married for 22 years together for 23. I thought wed be together forever and now here i am were getting divorced. All this is so overwhelming. I dont even really know where to begin. I like who i am as a person im very empathetic and i genuinely care about others but it feels like that doesnt seem to matter if you dont look like some sort of model.

I just hope I have at least some hope of meeting somebody kind who can look past all my physical flaws and give me a chance. Im not a bad guy and im even pretty fun to be around ive been told.

I dont know waht the point of this post is, just mostly venting i guess. I hope everybodys having a good night/day.

Any advice on how to build up self esteem etc? I do plan to buy some new clothes etc but beyond that im not really sure what to do. But i am trying.


One day at a time. Good people are hard to find and should be accepted in any form they come in. If they can’t accept you as you are they are not going to be worth the trouble. Relax and try to enjoy what you do have. Good luck in your travels.

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Omg you’ve been through a lot. I hope you’re doing well!

Thank you for the reply, sorry my SUPER late reply I just never came back on this site. I appreciate your kind words though.

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Hey im still alive. Also appologize to you too for the super late reply i havent been on this site in forever but i appreciate your kind words and the reply. Hope youre doing well also.

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Hello, I had a eye injury years back and it left me with a lazy eye, it hasn’t really held me back from meeting guys, I think I settle because of the insecurities within myself I only wish people would look past things like this because behind it all we are awesome people

Yeah i agree, im sure you are a really cool person. Dont let that hold you back. I know i say that but i let my stuff hold me back lol so i know how you feel. Sometimes im actually glad for mine, because if people would judge you for that then theyre probably not very nice people anyway. I like that saying let the trash take itself out i think it goes. Thats how im starting to look at it is when somebody acts that way we should thank them for not wasting our time.

I hope you have a blessed day and thank you for your comment.

Your welcome, hopefully our true soul mate is somewhere around the corner, thanks for the encouragement :grinning:

My names Len too btw, us Lens/Lynns gotta stick together lol.

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Absolutely, what a coincidence lol, what state are you in?

Im in South Carolina, how about you? Yeah mines short for Leonard but they didnt want me to be a junior so always called me that instead. Its good to meet you Lynn. I mean it when i say i wish you luck in all this dating stuff because for me its been an absolute nightmare so far. lol I gotta laugh about it to keep from crying. It should NOT be this hard to meet people. Only other way i know in a small town like where i live though is a bar and thats kind of worse than this in some ways. I dont know just trying to learn to be happy single as best i can. Honestly maybe thats for the best because IF/when i do find somebody ill be more ready to have them in my life anyway. I try to look at everything in life as a learning experience now so theres no bad anymore. Ill just say ive learned A LOT in the past few years. lol


I totally understand that, whether it’s on line or at a bar, it still can all be a scam, I know there’s good people still out there, I just haven’t had any luck lately finding one yet, like you said, keep smiling, im sure our day will come soon

Oh I forgot to say bit I’m in Lake Jackson Texas been here about 7 years now originally from Albany Georgia where I was born and raised, lived in Florida about 5 years before moving to Texas

Oh okay cool ive heard of that, never been there but im in upstate South Carolina myself so close to there. Small world.

Oh cool, my grandson and his mom stays in south Carolina and my best friend stays in north Carolina I visit both often but not as much as I should, as you said SMALL WORLD LOL

Hmu on telegram, I’m a trans woman and in neex of something real and different