Ugly Schmucks

Calling all hiring managers

Any hiring managers out there willing to interview people NOT based on their looks? Feeling ugly can lead to low confidence, which can hurt your chances in an interview. There must be a lot of qualified people that are being passed over.

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I have heard and read that looks can have a lot to do with being hired. It can work in reverse, though. Maybe this was kind of backhanded, but I once got a job due in part to NOT being attractive. It was a veterinary clinic, and the vet tech in charge of hiring was having an affair with the vet who owned the clinic. She didn’t want to hire anyone attractive enough to be a rival, as this guy had quite a roving eye! So is assistants were being hired on the basis of both experience and UNattractiveness!

These days with employers needing workers so badly, thanks to the pandemic, I would think we’ll see less discrimination based on looks or anything else. Hopefully ability and work ethic are and will remain the major hiring points!

Have you considered a night job ?

I work as a over-night security guard .

My intimidating face and bad breath
is too much for trespassers to handle .