Ugly Schmucks

Find me someone. Welp

I am a little Ugly and a bit fat. I am interested in any woman with good heart. Looks like even this website ain’t got anything for me. WELP.


Hey man i cant help you with the date part since im a dude but just wanted to say welcome to the site. Yeah it does seem kinda dead but since me and a few others been posting on the forum maybe if we can get some topics going it will bring people back to the site. I know what you mean though online dating feels like a damn wasteland. Anyways welcome and best of luck to you.


Don’t give up Welp, and never put yourself down, I’ve always been told, you got to love yourself first, someone else may see what you don’t see, I think your way to hard on yourself, looks are not always beauty, you can see a beautiful person but has the worst attitude and that makes that person ugly, I don’t know you but I feel you have a beautiful soul and heart, that trumps looks any day for the right special someone so hang in there


Just posting as an attempt to give back some life to this website and because I wanna make friends here.

To answer you Lynn, the problem is how others shape the way you see yourself. When you’ve been mocked in school for example, it’s very difficult to rebuild self-love and confidence afterwards.Not caring about what others think is a very long process and something I’ve not managed to do yet.


I totally agree CurrerBell, thanks for responding, I just wished people wouldn’t judge from the outside, I know it may be hard for alot of people, but atleast get to know that person


We can try message me on telegram @kingson_nenathelma

Furry conventions are full of obese weirdos .