Ugly Schmucks

I just joined. And I think I really need help

I just joined. And I think I really need help.


Hey just joined too, think i need help as well

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I joined 5 years ago and had forgotten I was even on here, it seems pretty straight forward, just start talking and become familiar as you want. They have me down for 11 days, well that was when I found out I had this account. What kind of help? Just start introducing yourself and go from there, I am Steve

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Ohh hi, Steve. The UX of this site is so terrible. And trying to navigate is so stressful. Maybe we can get to know each other better on another app? What do you think?

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Well work this site first, where do you live?

Currently in Denver. But, I live in TX. How about you?

Why Denver ? Where do you live when you use Texas ?

I traveled to Denver currently. For a visit. I don’t live in Denver.

You didn’t t answer me, where in Texas?

Austin, Texas. That’s where I live.

Good for you ,what kind of work do you do?

Okey Dokey, site can’t be that bad for a 5 minute turn around on messages. I’m logging off. Done for the day

Alright. Take care. You never told me anything about you. Which I asked. lol.

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Asking me questions like a detective.

What kind of help do you need?

I’m good. I don’t need any help anymore. Learning to navigate the site properly.

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Everybody is paranoid when it comes to online dating .

Two different women immediately started asking about my finances and who I am banking with .

[ ( Curse word )], I make minimum wage ! I am barely surviving ! Why would a non-scamming romantic interest need to know the specifics about how badly I am struggling ? Weird guys like me are too proud to beg .