Ugly Schmucks

I love being ugly to the world but it can be very inconvenient

I believe in God and I have accepted Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach) as my Lord and Savior. That being said I know that I am not truly ugly in reality to myself and to God because He looks at the heart. Being ugly to the world that is most definitely me. It can be so humiliating, exhausting, and discouraging. I hope I can find some friends on here. I would really like to get married to someone who can rescue me from Tuscaloosa, AL who is a believer so that I can escape being bullied. It seems the whole town I live in is hostile towards me. It’s a miracle I even have a job and I’m not sure how much longer that’s going to last.


See my profile, contact me

Message me via telegram @kingson_nenathelma