Ugly Schmucks

I really like ugly fat women

Please don’t be offended by my words, I don’t have a concept of beauty or ugliness on women, what I mean is that I find women older and taller than me who are plus sized who don’t have what society calls a “pretty face” to be hot to me.



Assuming you’re being serious, let me give you a tip. Don’t start off by calling any woman ugly or fat. Even if society thinks that, please find a different way to describe her. Otherwise, you will ether get nowhere in your search or you’ll find someone who’s so emotionally damaged that your toxic relationship will do you in!


There is definitely nothing wrong with you from what I’m looking at I see a pretty sexy girl that I wouldn’t mind have hanging on my arm if you wouldn’t mind that get back a hold of me

There is no such thing as an ugly woman. Do you know what a sapiosexual is? I find your writing intriguing and can tell you are very intelligent.

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Beauty is in the eye of the admirer, no one is really ugly.

Girl your not can talk to me anytime