Ugly Schmucks

I wish appearance didn't matter

Or at least not as much. I’d like to be in love some day. But on rare, very rare occasion some guy asks me out only looking for sex though. The one dude I was that with for years seemed to be disgusted by me. I stayed at it because I didn’t want to be lonely. Low self esteem can make you sadly stupid.

I’m 30 and don’t know what it’s like to actually have someone like you in that sweet, special way. I’ve never been in love. Sometimes I feel like I might have to accept it. But my heart doesn’t want to let go of the tiny bit of hope that remains.

Well thanks for reading :heart:


Greetings 1992boo, I fully understand where u r coming from. I know it can be tough, keep ur head up!! Ur cute! U will eventually find that person!


Hello 1992boo . Your wish came true a long time ago . Outside body looks do not matter to folks that are not caught up in the materialistic , shallow , selfish part of this world . Folks that are in tune to what really matters in life will see all the important aspects of your being and call you beautiful when your inner character shines through your heart by your actions and speech. I myself really like the way you expressed your experiences and heartfelt desires . I believe you are awesome . Check out my profile , if you like , contact me .


You are gorgeous. I’d worship every gorgeous inch of you


Hmu on telegram @kingson_nenathelma

Hey want chat sometime

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This is a wish we all want. I hope you experience love that heals and brings fulfillment. But continue to love you