Ugly Schmucks

Introduce yourself here

Sorry to hear that. I just got divorced from a narcissist so I know how exhausting that can be.

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First off. Your cute. Second off. Women’s value isn’t their wallet or what they contribute to society on a whole. That’s men. It’s beauty and turning a house into a home. Feminism was ok the first wave :ocean:, but this 3rd 4th wave :ocean: done destroyed
femininity and is teaching girls to judge themselves by male standards. there’s nothing wrong with getting a degree or starting a business, but men typically don’t care about your bank account. They want a woman that will raise their children to be great people and be loyal. If a man is chasing you for your money then he isn’t the right guy. Men crave to be provider’s. You should look into just pearly things on YouTube. She will explain it better than me.


Thank you, Puffdamagi, for your kind words. I will be sure to check out Just Pearly Things. I currently get a lot of inspiration from YouTube so I’m sure this will be helpful.

I don’t know what to say my names Shauna 42 Florida

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Hey there, I hope your all well.

My names Talon. Is anyone still active on this place?

Tried the dating website it seems ultra dead.

I doubt that I would be classed as ugly, but I do have a very serious thing for women who are not conventionally attractive, I don’t know why, it’s just the way I’m hard wired, not that I’m complaining ;P.

The problem I find is meeting women like this is surprisingly hard.
a lot of them are shy don’t go out much if at all and very rarely socialise.

If there’s any ladies still here who want to chat, get to know me better. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

English women would be better, but Im just as happy to have penpals abroad as well. :smiley:

I would eventually be looking for something more serious, but for now I’m happy to just see where things go.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, take heart and strength in all you do and don’t let the bastards grind you down! XD

Hey, my name is Sarah and I live in Germany. I’m usually quiet, love chill activities, art, watching documentaries, keep pet rabbits and snails, interested in food and nutrition, culture, health, trying to get fitter and more confident.

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Hey Sarah, welcome. This place seems completely dead. Your the first active profile I’ve seen!

I workout quite regularly and know my way around fitness, so if you want I’m happy to help develop a workout routine for you.
Shoot me an email if your interested. :smiley:

Maybe it starts by unconditionally loving ourselves.

That’s what I’m doing. I’m loving myself more. I’m in a good place now.

My name is Chris P. I live in Oregon Benton County.

Hi Jenn. You are beautiful. At least I think you are. I don’t think most men care about your race or your income. It’s about shared chemistry and attraction. Im sure you are a very nice and interesting person to know. Lucky is they guy in Minnesota who meets you

Hi. I’m on this site because I’m older, 56, and tried various apps to find someone near my age for activities and dating, but I don’t really feel like I’m in the league with any of the women I see. I’m short, 5’6", and it seems all women want someone who is tall. I’m not especially in good shape or attractive, and I’m very shy and am really terrible at talking to women. I just feel at this point that I will never meet someone. I’ve given up even trying to talk to anyone in public anymore for fear of rejection.


Hi Ken, I am new here too, I do not necessarily consider myself ugly but I joined because I am so sick and tired of the regular dating apps where most of the guys my age (I am 53) would just scroll thru and look for younger, sexier women and those that expose a little cleavage or anything provocative.
I am basically tired of all the superficiality out there. Seems like no one on those regular sites want an honest, down to earth, regular gal whom might not be in her 20s or have a hot bod.
So i thought a non regular site might have folks that are more authentic and real. I am just looking for a real friend for a start. Nothing fancy.
What I want to say is, youre not alone. In a world filled with phony people living in 3rd dimension, folks like us who want real connection are drowning in the noise. But we just need to keep looking for our tribe.
Glad to chat with you.
Are there much activity in the site at all tho???


Hello dear, from India/Korea and I like mature women (and their body too) too as they are good at handling men in the right way. Contact if interested contact in telgrm shaniyaagarwal

Hello.New guy here. Just joined last night.My name is Scott,51,single for too long.Women in my area just dont seem interested.So figured I’d join here and give it one last shot I Don’t know why my profile picture doesn’t show up on here.

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Michael Dimitri Richard . Born in 1985 .

I am a mentally ill atheist male from southern California who is barely surviving off of minimum wage .

I actually enjoy my alone time .
Youtube Mikewee777

So I thought it would be funny as hell if I’ve dialed up Siri on my phone and asked her is there such thing as dating sites for ugly people. Much to my surprise there is after I got done laughing I realized holy shit. This site is for real, so considering my situation of being dog dick, ugly old and not rich, by any means, I thought what the hell. It’s New Year’s night I don’t plan on partying so this Ohta be a fun thing to pass the time I’m just a motorsports graphic artist who specializes in T-shirt designs for all classes of motor sports around the United States and Australia. I am a mild nature photographer, and I’m always up for a good time as long as I stay out of jail.

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Yoo I’m not gonna lie, I think you’re extremely pretty and I was wondering if I could get your instagram.


My name is Jessica, I turned 32 recently. I’m into literature, earth science, spirituality, MUSIC and nature. I love to learn, to laugh, to love others.

I’m here because this site is for ugly people lol
The older I get the less I care. I’m just glad to have a beautiful heart.

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I don’t know if I am ugly, but something in my head says that I am. What do you think?