Ugly Schmucks

Is anyone even on here?

Hey, I’m new on here, its pretty lonely I guess… idk if anyone’s even on here anymore but here’s to finding out!


I’m here sexy! I’d love to talk to you and getting know you better

For reals , right that’s what I said we’res the community support for low self esteem. JamG you ain’t even supposed to be on here, its like we been conditioned to pass judgment unconsciously on looks,why tho,why is society been programed like that

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Every letter is a numbe( f,a,e )g, zero, h ,d,c,I,2

Genetics not societal or cultural programing is why we judge

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Hello dear… yes we are here and ready to hear you

Hey, I’m on here! Sorry you haven’t contacted anyone for a while.
I’ve never had a contact, but I only signed on tonight. I’ll keep trying for a while, and I’ll keep checking on you.

Chin Up!!

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