Ugly Schmucks

Looks like it’s full of fake profiles in here

So weird that only good looking people are on this dating website ?


Hey man, yeah i registered on here like a year or two ago and ive never spoken to anybody on here but then again i dont have a membership either. Kinda wary to buy one because it comes across as kinda dead/fake to me also. Ive already been burned on enough dating apps/sites.

If anybody’s actually active on here can you reply and let us know your experience with this site?

Thank you


Hello, I’ve been on here a few weeks and as you say, it’s pretty dead, I’ve gotten one response thus far but I rarely come on here, seems fake, dont waste your money on a membership


Hey again lol and thank you for the reply. I bought a subscriptiong to geek2geek ( a dating site for people with geeky nerdy interests) the other day too and no replies on there as of yet either and the really shady thing was somebody was sending flirts from some of the accounts. All you can do without buying a membership and so i bought a membeship. They had an intro for eight bucks so i figured what the heck right? But i messaged five people last night and so far nothing. Just basically asking most of them exactly what im saying is it a real site.

Theres a LOT of scammery going on by site owners and things of these dating sties. Like okay cupid i know first hand uses fake profiles to lure you into buying a membership. It said i had like 80 likes im like what?? I know that aint right lol but like a fool i go and buy one and sure enough its all people form other countries etc so if yall are looking at dating websites please research each one first. Its not even worth it now a days it seems like one big scam, even the bigger ones. Ive heard tinder is okay and pof because both of those are still halfway free. But like MATCH u cant even message people back anymore unless u buy a membership its so dumb. Also sad when all you want to do is meet somebody nice. Theyre making money off our suffering. Very immoral business practices.

I dont mean this site, it could just be dead, i just mean in general.


I totally understand, it’s all about the money on these sites. Yeah I actually met someone on okcupid, really nice guy, from Australia of course lol, well maybe we will meet that special someone one day soon,

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Hey Lynn im sorry i just now seen this reply. Yeah i hope we do and i wish you and everybody here all the best with that. I actually had somebody message me today on reddit of all places that sounds pretty awesome amazing actually. But Im trying to take everything with a grain of salt since its online ive ran into so many scammers lately nothing surprises me lol.

Good luck on your dating adventures and it was very nice meeting and talking with you. Have a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Haven’t talked to anyone, the website is pretty dead. I dunno about fake profiles. Have you guys experienced that?

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Thats good to take your time

What do you mean its good to take my time? Take my time with what? Sorry just not following lol.

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Yeah i have no idea man it seems like theres a bunch of websites like this one. I joined geek2geek because i want to find a girl with similar interests to mine and its basically the same crap. Fake profiles scammers etc. Its really tiring even just trying to find somebody real. Then you got all the other issues like if you click, chemistry, etc etc. It feels like trying to build a small thermo nuclear device in all honesty. Not complicated AT ALL lol.

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Atleast you have me l haven’t not even 1guy so l deleted my profile. Was really mad …l hoped to get someone to talk to get to know each other bt ihe site is just dead


You are a great person lets get to know each other

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have you guys found a better website?


Hey let me know if anyone helps u out there🤔

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Thanks I’ll try it out this site really is dead. It’s too bad because literally my biggest issue in life is not looks it’s personality. I just can’t connect with people who don’t think about things. Of course this site would be dead because nobody really cares about anything except looks.


ELMAE2 EVEN THO WE TYPE IN UGLY,BECAUSE OF CIRCUMSTANCES YOU STILL FIND OUT THERES UNCONSCIOUSLY BIASED JUDGMENT, look at the commercials look at the cars we drive look at houses we live in, all esthetic pleasing, movies are seldom cast with unattractive or what society deems unattractive,people eugenics has been a unknown part of our programing established by the secret families that control our population, not the government a false facade,

Perhaps a dearth of people like to identify as ugly? Don’t ya think?


Thank you guys! This was really helpful.

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Yeah. I look at some people on here and think of how I wouldn’t have an account if I looked like them. It’s one thing to FEEL ugly. But when you actually ARE ugly, we need our own space as such. I joined on here because I’m hideous, not because I wanted to see what it’s like or be fake. It’s very weird.


I have introduced myself too 20 women on here…no reply. Don’t think this site is real