Ugly Schmucks

Loyalty and appreciation

I’m 48 years old and in my time have come to realize that women that are not “beautiful” according to media and society standards are the most loyal, caring, loving, intelligent, kind, and uninhibited creatures in the universe. That makes any woman overlooked or ignored or ridiculed by any commerce based society pig the queens and angels in my world. Looks mean nothing. Character and a kind heart are by far more beautiful than any model, actress, or music star.


I hope you are as real as your words here. I am so sick of the typical man who arent emotionally mature. What makes you different? Were you brought up by good parents who taught you to respect women?

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Well said… guess the words are true

These fashion companies have the ugliest people hiding behind A.I. C.G.I. makeup filters .

These cameras edit their faces in real time during live video recordings .

I am not joking . It is real .