Ugly Schmucks

I should probably stop trying

Now that I’m old, I think it’s over for me

Don’t say or think that! Please txt me if you want to talk to someone. I’m always free (812) 510-5337 (I know it’s not smart to post my nr probably) but I’m here for you :slight_smile:

You’re too kind, but I’m at that age where I’m not young enough for ladies around my age and too old for young ladies and ugly

You’re only as old as you feel :slight_smile: I’m 30, old as heck for a woman but can’t give up, you gave me some hope to not give up on the men out here so don’t you give up on the woman out there that needs you still ! And nobody is ugly, we all have beautiful qualities about us

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I feel like I’m between 18 and 25 but I look and am 50,and women, in my opinion, have it easier to find a man cuz all a woman has to do is show up and smile and 8 out 10 guys will smile back 5 of that 8 will try to talk to you but only 2 will be interesting, for us men we gotta do a lot more than smile cuz, my opinion and experience, you gotta be good looking for a woman to look at you before they’ll talk to you, maybe I’m wrong.

You on Whatsapp or any type of social media?

I know this feeling well. I did a full year paid membership on e-harmony and didn’t get one message. I think that may be a record!!


Seems like all those Internet dating sites are a scam

That’s how I feel too.
I am pretty stubborn though. I don’t like to give up.

It ain’t over 'til it’s over.

For some it ain’t over till it’s over, but when you know it’s over, there’s nothing that can be done but accept it’s over.

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Fair enough.
It IS over when you decide it is.

I’ve decided cuz I have no choice